

It is June 2.

Today marks the end of this phase of my life, as well as the beginning of the next.

Today, I wear stoles and cords and pins and badges to mark my achievements so far. I wear them all with pride, for I have worked hard for the things I have achieved. Yet I am venturing into a world greater than what I have previously known, where these achievements are nothing, and I am starting fresh. Out there, I am not Erin Smith, Thespian of the Year. I am not Erin Smith, only All-state level soprano in the school district. I am not Erin Smith, winner of the James Iddings Award, the National School Choral Award, the North Park Music Honors Award, graduating with high honors.

I am simply Erin Smith, and I am starting fresh.

In less than three months, I am to stand on my own two feet, without the careful guidance of those around me who love and protect me.

Most of me is ready to take on this new journey. And yet, a part of me still feels like a child. Does one ever reach a point where that inner child grows up? Does one ever completely become an adult? Or will there always be that part of us that, despite the pointy shoes and pinstripe suits and briefcases that make us look so distinguished, is just playing dress up?

Somehow, childhood slipped away without my noticing. Can I still cry on my mother's shoulder after a bad day? Am I still Daddy's little princess? Can I still be that precocious little girl, spinning stories, singing songs and drawing pictures, never asking for directions, only creating?
The future looms ahead of me like a wall stretched across the horizon, and I must try to find my very own door somewhere along the wide expanse.

It is a scary thing, because I am not really that good at navigating.

I suppose I will just have to hand control over to One who knows better than I.

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