
infinite metamorphoses

Due to my perpetual dissatisfaction with the person I am, my life is constantly fueled by growth and change. Those who knew me five years ago know how different I am today. Those who know me today may well find me very different five years from now.

June 2nd marked the end of an era that taught me many things, an era that I appreciate for the things it taught me, but do not miss. August 21st marks the beginning of the next, hopefully greater, era of my life.

August 21st...the date seemed so far for so long. My dreams and hopes of many years are finally materializing before my eyes, and yet, realizing that they are less than a month away, I am frightened for the first time.

The future looms ahead of me like a wall stretched across the horizon, and I must try to find my very own door somewhere along the wide expanse.

Success is pressing its nose against my window, but do I have the ambition, or even the ability, to capture it?

Do I dare?

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