stream of consciousness -- christmas poem
hot music, warm day, cold house, numb toes,
et canunt juglans regia
of the horrors of the nutcracker's bite.
but for all else there is peace and love
and a gift of a Baby in divine humble splendor
and the joyous music of the season .
thank god for angel choirs
and oceans of piano keys:
white, black, white, black, white, white, black,
a richer beauty than any other,
and yet all in monochrome;
that metal and wood should render souls from onlisteners,
weeping and sighing, ebb and fade,
it is truly a christmas miracle.
power of words
You're talking. But what are you saying?
A simple biological chain of events can do a lot, either for better or worse. It doesn't take a lot of effort to create words, and thus it doesn't take a lot of effort to have a lot of power. If words are from the right Source, they can calm a storm or move a mountain. Words can change the course of history. And if they get out of control, they can be poison.
Words have power. They must be carefully guarded and stewarded. It's an easy thing to forget, how a small word can have big implications, so we slip up often. In the heat of anger, we make mistakes. If only we could take them back.
But since we can't, let us use those mistakes to remind us of the power of words and to remember that such power should only be used to encourage and ennoble, and never to condemn and destroy.
for a sex slave in bangkok
spins cobwebs in her dusty head
empty just to save herself
and then a knock sounds at the door
she'll moan and sigh when he wants more
and smacks her, rapes her, calls her 'whore'
she'll pretend she likes it -- he loves that
and when he is gone
the little actress, no glamour for her here,
lays back into her bed of lust and smut and pain
and falls asleep to await her next encore.
an oscar winner at age thirteen,
and momma and dad are so proud,
or at least, they have food to eat now.
life is a poem
but then mine is a haiku
or so it would seem
life is a haiku
it can seem extremely short
yet it means so much
or life is a song
possessing pain and beauty
in its careful notes
life is a poem,
so I will write a good one--
at least, I will try.
when and if
When and if you are ready to let yourself move on, then I will be ready to speak to you again.
When and if seeing the world through wise eyes becomes a part of you and not just a pair of eyeglasses, then you will understand me.
Until that when and if happens, I am done being your life.
life is ironic
How many times have I told myself that life will be what I want it to be in the future? How many times have I ignored where I am now because I was so concerned with the future? How long have I tried to make something out of myself that I liked, only to feel completely unsatistfied and start over again? How many of us has looked forward to something for so long, and yet found themselves utterly disappointed when that end is finally realized?
And thus I am trying to remind myself that life is too short not to savor every moment. Pardon the cliche when I say that every moment is a gift, and it should not be squandered. Think of Jesus's parable of the prodigal son. He took his inheritance and ran with it. He spent it on things that did not satisfy him beyond the moment. And in the end, he returns to where he was. No growth, nothing to show for his time, only shame. And when we read that story, we think, "how foolish of him to squander his resources!" Yet that is precisely what we do with so many seconds and minutes and inhalations and exhalations that God gives to us, here and now and until we die. So preserve the child within you. Love that which is marvelous, and remember that life is short.
white light
a solitary soul
I had a dream that I drowned myself in the ocean. The most frightening thing about the dream was that it did not frighten me. I found a peace in the sea that I have not known for months. All I feel right now is fear, sadness and self-hatred. Death was easier than trying to come to terms with all that is wrong with me.
If only love could be simple. If only I had the capacity to love without always feeling like something is lacking. There are days when he is so adorable that I cannot help but feel as though I love him. Any woman loves being doted upon. But there are also days when he is so irritating that I just wish I were single. Much as I may want to, I cannot completely resign myself to this relationship, because regardless of how much I love being loved, there is something critical that is missing. He is so much of what I want in a man, but he is not everything.
The more I think upon it, the less I want to be in a relationship. And yet, the more I think upon it, the less I want that to be the case. I want nothing more than to want him, yet I am unable. For so long I thought that my good intentions would create the desired end, that wanting to love him would eventually make me love him. But they have only made us both unhappy. Every attempt of mine to feel what I feel I should feel has failed, and perhaps it is best to move on and to allow him to move on. I find myself wanting to try again, but I just cannot get over the fear that I will only break both our hearts all over again. After all the damage I have already done, I cannot bring myself to take that risk. A heart can only be broken so many times, and difficult as it is for me to end it with him now, I know that I could not possibly live with myself if I did it to him all over again. Even if he thinks otherwise, I know that I am not worth it. It is not enough to try again and to know that we tried. I have never accepted that mentality. Of course we tried, and we failed. It was useless. I do not want to try again and get the same outcome of failure.
And yet, I am so afraid that if I let him go, I will never find another man who will love me the way he does. For all I know, I may someday genuinely love him, but while I am flattered by his devotion, I have to admit that I do not love him. The fact that he loves me, that we share interests, and that we have long been so close should be enough to guarantee my happiness, yet I am unhappy, and I can only ignore that for so long before it surfaces.
So much of my unhappiness comes from the fact that I simply want to experience more before I settle down. The intensity of his love frightens me. Especially after everything that has happened, I know that if I go back to him, it is for good, and that scares me like no other. It feels too early for me to commit to anyone. I am only eighteen. I have no desire to be tied down. I want to breathe, to run, to live a vagabond existence while I am still young.
But how selfish of me! After all we have been through, after all I have done to him, after all he has done for me, I hate the idea that it could be over forever simply because of my inability to love him the way he deserves.
I hate the idea that we might go on with our lives separately and that I will be forever plagued with the knowledge of what I have put him through. He has loved so deeply for so long, and I hate myself for allowing it to go on. I should have been responsible. I should have listened to myself when I said I would not get into a relationship with him. But he loved too greatly, and he wore me down. If only I had been stronger at the beginning, it would have ended before it began, but he broke through the resistance that I put on to protect us both, and now we are dealing with the consequences. He finally had me, and his happiness pleased me. It was a storybook ending. But it was not enough to outweigh that which is lacking.
For so much of my life, I wished only for one single person to love me, whom I could love in return and cling to and be with and be happy with. Now that such a one has found me, I have run away from him, and I hate myself for it. I hate myself for being unhappy. I hate myself for wanting more out of life. I hate myself for being so petty, foolish and selfish. I hate myself for allowing the relationship to continue when I knew full well how torn I was about it. I hate myself for trying to create something that did not exist. I hate myself for trying to force myself to love him, because it has only created even more heartache.
I had everything I really needed wrapped around my finger, yet I could not just be content. What in the world is wrong with me?
It is not in my power to create love. Either it exists, or it doesn’t. I must learn to accept that which I cannot change. Slowly, I am recovering, but there still remains a long distance to go, and it will not be easy. I am "seeing with different eyes and making the acquaintance of new conditions in myself that color and change my environment." I am realizing my place in the world, the things which I truly desire, and the direction in which I want my life to go. I am realizing what a mess I have made of things, and I am beginning to understand the anguish that drove Edna Pontellier to the depths of the ocean.
I am so completely and utterly disappointed.
the lesser of two evils
This would have been so much easier if he did not love me. It would have been easier still if I were like other girls, if I could just love him back, as I feel like I should. I would be hard-pressed to find one kinder, gentler, or more earnest, and yet "an indescribable oppression, which seems to generate in some unfamiliar part of my consciousness, fills my whole being with a vague anguish. It is like a shadow, like a mist passing across my soul's summer day."
I often find myself wondering, Why does he love me? I do not know what there is to love about me so much. I am petty. I am foolish. I am irrational. I am hurtful. I don't make any sense. And yet, he loves on, and it is remarkable indeed, for I confess I doubt any other man would ever be so generous.
Yet here I am again, unable to cope with what seems to be an inability to love. I feel cold and disconnected from my own existence. On the outside, I do my best to conform, to do what I know I should, to do that which makes logical sense. Yet inside, I question always. My intentions are only for the best, yet there is always that part of me which dissents, that inner chamber of myself, whispering things which I can only ignore for so long.
And so I find myself standing at a crossroads, trying to choose between the lesser of two evils:
Should I cut myself off, break his heart and perhaps find happiness someday in my own lonely freedom? Shall I bear the burden of having forsaken his love all for the selfish sake of securing myself some fresh air? Or, should I stay with him, preserve his heart and perhaps find happiness someday in his arms? Perhaps love simply comes more slowly than I wish for. It is absurd to assume that I will love someone after only about four months of dating them, despite every reason that I should. For all I know, I could just need more time.
Whatever I choose, it will bring unhappiness to either one or both of us. I almost feel as if I should just choose the option that will at least guarantee his happiness. To have caused my own unhappiness: that, I could live with, but to make someone else miserable...that is a thing much more difficult to bear.
So, as on the summit of Gethsemane, I am praying for the strength and the will to sacrifice my own life for the sake of my dear, dear friend. I should carry the cross of my own selfishness, my dissatisfaction, my inability to commit, and give myself away upon it. My heart is wild and uncertain, and I must tame it. I must be realistic. "The acme of bliss...is not for me in this world." He has fallen in love, "as men are in the habit of doing," and I should devote myself to the "man who worships me," taking my place "with a certain dignity in the world of reality, closing the portals forever behind me upon the realm of romance and dreams."
Ah! Si tu savais! Has The Awakening taught me nothing?
I do not know if I can provide for him the love and peace and devotion that he needs. If he truly wants me, then unfortunately he wants someone who is simply incapable of loving him all the time, the way he deserves to be loved. He has bestowed his love upon a most unworthy recipient, for I suffer from the terrible, incurable disability of being unable to love properly, and we are both the unhappy victims.
My own inadequacy is to blame for what has happened. Much as I care for him, there are times when I wish, for both our sakes and especially for his, that we had never met. But I must find a way to forgive myself for that which I cannot change. I must pray that God will show me the right way to resolve the situation. I must try to trust myself enough to listen.
More than anything, I need to get away, to run to the north, into the woods. I need to find some peace and quiet, where I can think.
in full color
What is it with the elderly and racism? I realize that things were very different when they were children, but how, in this day and age, can they possibly continue to hold on to those old falsehoods?
My cousin was telling me about one of her new neighbors, whom she recently met. She can tell the story in more detail than I, but basically he stated that he believed that Muslims, Hindus and Mexicans are filthy animals. When my cousin chided him, he replied "well, I'm old."
Even my father's mother, the sweetest woman you could possibly meet, is a racist. She may not believe in oppressing minorities, but when I told her that my roommate was from the south side of Chicago, the first thing she asked was "is she black?" (Not to mention, this was not on just one occasion, but two.) If you ask her about the Chicago neighborhood where she grew up, she'll tell you that it is overrun by Mexicans. The first thing she said to describe my choir director was "he's black."
It pains me to call my relatives racist, but I simply cannot avoid the fact any longer. I believe in respecting my elders, but with all due respect, I cannot possibly respect anyone with such outdated, ridiculous opinions. I will not accept their racism simply because it was once tolerated. I will not put up with it just because they're old and don't know any better. Since when has ignorance been an excusable offense?
I was speaking with my mother's mother (who still refers to African-Americans as "colored people") recently about racism. She was telling me a story about how my great-uncle, a white man, shot a black man for trying to steal something from him. She was apparently expecting me to think this was perfectly all right, because when I told her that I thought it was wrong to shoot someone, especially when it is partially because of their race, she actually became angry, telling me I could not possibly understand because I had never lived in the South.
Quite frankly, I think that is the most absurd lie I have ever heard in my life.
Racism still exists because some people still tell themselves this lie, that because racism existed in the past, it is simply a reality that we cannot rectify. Racism still exists because, in the eyes of some, it remains a very grotesque tradition. Racism will continue to thrive until we can find the beauty in every language, every culture, every nation's colors, creed, music, and art, and yes, every skin tone.
We must not try to paint the world all in one color. We must not paint it yellow, black, white, nor should we paint it red with blood. To oversaturate the world in one color just brings darkness. Rather, we must cover it in light, for in light there is every color of the spectrum.
One of the things I love most about my neighborhood here in Chicago is the diversity of the community. Every African-American, every Anglo, every Asian-American, every Native American, every Latino, every Arab-American, every Jew, every Muslim, every Christian, every Buddhist, every Hindu, and every pot-smoking Rastafarian is made in the Lord's image, a reflection of God.
Like a huge photomosaic, every face is part of God's face, and that is the most beautiful thing there is.
the fundamental problem with faith
North Park's motto of the year is "What is a life of faith?"
In simplest terms, a life of faith is extremely frustrating. Perhaps that is why, in the end, it is so rewarding.
the very sweetest wisdom
-- Oscar Wilde, De Profundis
The very sweetest wisdom...what is that? To know oneself?
To know oneself...but how? For within oneself, there are many people to know. I am acquainted with my dark side. My quirky side is my soulmate. I am quite close with my spiritual side, and we are becoming better friends every day.
But while I know much of what lies within myself, I do not know what I want in life. It occurs to me that perhaps wisdom is what happens when one stops trying to be wise, but trying to navigate life and love without a guide, a map or a compass is not exactly an easy thing to do. I feel as though I am wandering. The Lord dwells within me, yet uncertainty and insecurity remain my closest traveling companions. If the opinions of others are mirrors, what does my reflection look like? When will I know what is right for my life? How can I possibly leave this world better than I found it? Whose heart will I break on this seemingly aimless quest?
All I want for myself is this: to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with my God, to be kind and compassionate even to the least of my brethren, and ultimately to find wisdom in the fear of the Lord.
Yet this is that which I have come to know about myself, that which is realized, and therefore is right:
Despite all attempts at depth, I can only scratch the surface. Shallowness has become my supreme, unhappy vice. The gods shall mock and mar me, for I do not know myself. For all my love and desire of wisdom, I remain a fool.
only in music
Thus, traditional math is irrelevant to any music major.
Hence why I am still procrastinating on my math assignments.
like smoke between us,
putrid and stifling smoke
that renders us mute
and makes us speechless
please don't be so silent
clean slate
So, here is my new and improved blog.
(I did repost a few things that I still like.)
after the weekend
Something about these uncharacteristically warm autumn days gets me thinking, usually about nothing in particular.
"What is the greatest experience you can have? It is...the hour when you say, 'What matters my happiness? It is poverty and filth and wretched contentment. But my happiness ought to justify existence itself.'
-- Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Kaufmann translation)
I had never read Nietzche before, though I knew a good deal about him (or so I believed). I think my friend Matt ascertained it best: reading Nietzche is difficult because "either you're going into it biased, in which case you may as well not even bother, or you're going into it blind, which is worse." I found myself to be one of the former, at least, until I began to read. What I did not find was a sense of disgust at the absolute blasphemy, nor that disdain of what I would term to be overly "emo," and therefore not worth attention.
Instead, what I found was compassion and pity. I owe it to reading the translator's notes at the beginning of the book, detailing Nietzsche's bad digestion, near-blindness, and migraines that would hold him hostage for days at a time, among other things. Yet it was not simply the physical maladies of the slight, slightly stooped man that caused me to pity him. It was when the translator spoke of him as an "utterly lonely man" that I began to feel very sorry for him. I hated myself for having thought ill of him simply on the basis of quotes which I read completely out of context. Rather than seeing Nietzsche as the sneering, arrogant, angry Modern who writes "God is dead" simply to draw a reaction, I saw him for what he was: unaffected, tortured, and utterly lonely.
Nietzche himself would hate me for pitying him, as when he writes,...The hour when you say: "What good is my pity? Is not pity the cross on which he is nailed who loves man?"
But I have found that while being compassionate towards other people can sometimes be a burden, it is far lighter than the feeling of guilt for refusing to sympathize for a fellow human being.
We live in an age where the individual is considered the supreme entity. Self-consciousness, self-awareness, self-improvement, self-confidence, self-esteem, self-help, self-indulgence, and the list continues.
Let me put it this way: if you ever have need of a camera, you only need to go so far as a teenager's bathroom to find one.
Clearly, we are obsessed with ourselves.
I heard a statistic once that said the average person spends only 5%-10% of his or her time thinking about other people. This is a problem. Isn't it interesting how, along with our total vanity, we are now seeing an utter breakdown of community? Families are imploding upon themselves, countries are divided, and bombs rip apart entire neighborhoods daily, all because people are so busy pushing their own agendas that they have forgotten what is truly important: life, love, breath, friendship, family, cooperation.
If we put all of our effort into ourselves, what is left after we die? It is like renovating a home after it has been condemned to be demolished. It is pointless. I recognize that it is not always easy to put other people before yourself. But then, that which is truly rewarding is never easy. And so I offer a challenge:
"This is ME. This is what I am. This is what I do. This is what I think. This is MY opinion. This is what's important to ME."
Just stop.
Banish these thoughts. They are poverty and filth and wretched contentment.
Today is the day to ask someone, "What is important to you?"
that's my KING
He's the greatest phenomenon that ever crossed the horizon of this world. He's God's Son. He's a sinner's Savior. He's the centerpiece of civilization. ... He's unique. He's unparalleled. He's unprecedented. He's the loftiest idea in literature. He's the highest personality in philosophy. He's the supreme problem in higher criticism. He's the fundamental doctrine of true theology. He's the cardinal necessity for spiritual religion. He's the miracle of the age. He's the superlative of everything good that you choose to call Him. He's the only one qualified to be an all-sufficient Savior. I wonder if you know Him today?
He supplies strength for the weak. He's available for the tempted and the tried. He sympathizes and He saves. He strengthens and sustains. He guards and He guids. He heals the sick. He cleanses lepers. He forgives sinners. He discharges debtors. He delivers captives. He defends the feeble. He blesses the young. He serves the unfortunate. He regards the aged. He rewards the diligent. He beautifies the meek. I wonder if you know Him?
My King is the King. He's the key to knowledge. He's the wellspring to wisdom. He's the doorway of deliverance. He's the pathway of peace. He's the roadway of righteousness. He's the highway of holiness. He's the gateway of glory. Do you know Him?
His office is manifold. His promise is sure. His light is matchless. His goodness is limitless. His mercy is everlasting. His love never changes. His word is enough. His grace is sufficient. His reign is righteous. His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. I wish I could describe Him to you, but He's indescribable. He's incomprehensible. He's invincible. He's irresistible.
You can't get Him out of your mind. You can't get Him off of your hand. You can't outlive Him, and you can't live without Him.
The Pharisees couldn't stand Him, but they found out they couldn't stop Him. Pilate couldn't find any fault in Him. ... Herod couldn't kill Him. Death couldn't handle Him, and the grave couldn't hold Him. Yeah! That's my King, that's my King.
-- Dr. S.M. Lockridge
why i came to the city
I came to create and explore that which ennobles mankind: music, art, philosophy.
I came to read Nietzsche, Coleridge, Sartre, Byron and Poe and have no one tell me that they were drunken, drugged or lifeless men, only that they were exceptional men with ideas and visions and passions that set them apart from their peers.
I came to ask the pressing questions -- Who am I? What is humanity? What is a life of faith? Who is God? What am I really supposed to do with my life? -- and begin to find the answers.
I came to dive into cultural diversity, to smell and see it everywhere, to make friends in many circles, savor their differences and experience that which makes us all the same - breath, faith, love.
I came to be moved to tears by poignant moments, unashamed of emotion and dedicated to living a life in bright and saturated color.
I came to surrender myself to God and experience Him in new ways.
I came to sip coffee and intellectualize, unashamed to be young and curious.
I came to develop my own potential, with the help and blessing of He who gave me that potential.
I came to take in the bad times along with the good, to suffer, to toil, and thus to reap a greater appreciation of the good times, when they come.
I came to taste freedom, free from material burdens.
I came to speak dramatically, even poetically, with many infinitives.
I came to throw my head back and laugh with gusto.
I came to be bold, broke and happy.
I came to live my life in a shout, not a whisper.
Oscar Wilde once said, "It is tragic how few people ever 'possess their souls' before they die. Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their life a mimicry."
Myself, I refuse to live in shades of gray.
infinite metamorphoses
June 2nd marked the end of an era that taught me many things, an era that I appreciate for the things it taught me, but do not miss. August 21st marks the beginning of the next, hopefully greater, era of my life.
August 21st...the date seemed so far for so long. My dreams and hopes of many years are finally materializing before my eyes, and yet, realizing that they are less than a month away, I am frightened for the first time.
The future looms ahead of me like a wall stretched across the horizon, and I must try to find my very own door somewhere along the wide expanse.
Success is pressing its nose against my window, but do I have the ambition, or even the ability, to capture it?
Do I dare?
Put what they want and need right in front of them, and every time, they turn around and choose something else that is completely wrong for them.
For simple ignorance, there is forgiveness. For willful ignorance? Never.
There is no hope for these people.
Don't even try.
It is June 2.
Today marks the end of this phase of my life, as well as the beginning of the next.
Today, I wear stoles and cords and pins and badges to mark my achievements so far. I wear them all with pride, for I have worked hard for the things I have achieved. Yet I am venturing into a world greater than what I have previously known, where these achievements are nothing, and I am starting fresh. Out there, I am not Erin Smith, Thespian of the Year. I am not Erin Smith, only All-state level soprano in the school district. I am not Erin Smith, winner of the James Iddings Award, the National School Choral Award, the North Park Music Honors Award, graduating with high honors.
I am simply Erin Smith, and I am starting fresh.
In less than three months, I am to stand on my own two feet, without the careful guidance of those around me who love and protect me.
Most of me is ready to take on this new journey. And yet, a part of me still feels like a child. Does one ever reach a point where that inner child grows up? Does one ever completely become an adult? Or will there always be that part of us that, despite the pointy shoes and pinstripe suits and briefcases that make us look so distinguished, is just playing dress up?
Somehow, childhood slipped away without my noticing. Can I still cry on my mother's shoulder after a bad day? Am I still Daddy's little princess? Can I still be that precocious little girl, spinning stories, singing songs and drawing pictures, never asking for directions, only creating?
The future looms ahead of me like a wall stretched across the horizon, and I must try to find my very own door somewhere along the wide expanse.
It is a scary thing, because I am not really that good at navigating.
I suppose I will just have to hand control over to One who knows better than I.